Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Thief

Last night Easton and I carved pumpkins in an attempt to fully embrace the Halloween spirit. We roasted pumpkin seeds, baked pumpkin muffins, watched scary movies, and spent a few hours meticulously carving our perfect pumpkins. Easton carved an impressive witch and I chose a kitty (with adorable whiskers and everything!) for my pumpkin.

After working for three hours with those tiny little pumpkin-carving utensils, I finally finished my masterpiece and couldn't wait to put it on the front doorstep. Easton and I put candles in our pumpkins and brought them outside to view the full effect. After briefly admiring our handiwork, we went inside to eat a pumpkin muffin and find the camera to immortalize our creations. We were in the house for no more than ten minutes...and when we came outside again my pumpkin was GONE! I expected to find it smashed in the street by some little hooligans, but there was absolutely no trace of my cute pumpkin. I still have absolutely no idea what happened to it, and I don't even have a single picture to illustrate my hours of hard work.

This is Easton's beautifully crafted pumpkin:Pumpkin Carving 01

And here is Easton proudly displaying his artwork...
while I proudly display my anger:Pumpkin Carving 02

Still pouting. So sad...
Pumpkin Carving 03

On that note, I have a message for the dirty pumpkin thief that ruined my night: I sincerely hope that you run into the Blair Witch, or Freddy Krueger, or Hannibal Lecter, or Jigsaw from those awful "Saw" movies, or any other equally terrifying villain...and I hope they teach you a lesson about stealing other people's pumpkins!


Sam and James said...

Sorry to hear that a dirty little rotten thief took your pumpkin... maybe you have a dingo on the loose! If so, you could run through the streets and yell,"a dingo ate my pumpkin". Now that should scare anyone!
Oh,Easton's carving is great.

crazy4danes said...

Awwww! How lame! I would be so bummed! Well Easton's pumpkin looks great so I'm sure yours was awesome! Have a great Halloween!!!

Courtney said...

Ummmm.....people are so rude sometimes!! Haven't they ever heard of something called the "Christmas", I mean "Halloween Spirit?" That totally exists, right? Well, we'll go searching for your masterpiece when I get up there tonight. Can't wait to see you!!!

A said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. People are such jerks. Crystal was gone for a week and when she came back someone had smashed her pumpkins, her mailbox, and the vinyl fence across the street. I ditto your voodoo spell for the putts' responsible! We are also excited to get to see you guys over Thanksgiving.

Matt & Brooke said...

That must have been some masterpiece...yet still totally lame!

Jessica said...

That is the saddest story I've ever heard! And before you even got a picture. It's like they were trying to torture you. And don't you think Easton should have been a little more sad for you? I mean, come on. :)

Holly said...

Lame-O! It takes SO long to carve those darn pumpkins...So sorry!

Snell Familia said...

Dang pumpkin thief, they stole Bailey's pumpkin last year! She had the pouty face that you did!!